What is a Blog?

What Is Blog?

 A blog is a sort of site where the substance is introduced backward sequential request. Blog content is regularly alluded to as sections or "blog entries". 
Websites are regularly run by an individual or a little gathering of individuals to introduce data in a conversational style. Nonetheless, presently there are huge amounts of corporate web journals that produce a ton of educational and thought-authority style content.

History Of Blogs 

Websites advanced from online journals and diaries during the 90s. Around then, web clients were at that point running individual site pages where they distributed standard updates about their own lives, contemplations, and social discourse. 
The term web log was first utilized during the last part of the 90s, which later became 'weblog', at that point 'we blog', lastly simply 'blog'. 
Because of the developing number of such pages, a few devices began to show up, which made it simpler for clients to make online diaries and web journals. These instruments advocated blogging and made the innovation open to non-specialized clients. 
In 1999, the famous blogging site Blogger.com was dispatched, which was later procured by Google in February 2003. 
The very year, WordPress delivered its first form as a blogging stage in May 2003. 
Today, WordPress is the world's most mainstream blogging stage fueling over 30% of all sites on the web.

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